Marathon runners may be at increased risk for skin cancer

In an Austrian study, marathon runners had more atypical moles and other skin lesions suggestive of a risk for skin cancer than did a comparison group of age- and sex-matched controls, according to a report in the Archives of Dermatology.
During training and competition, marathon runners are exposed to high levels of ultraviolet (UV) radiation, the most important environmental risk factor for the skin cancer melanoma. Endurance exercise also may suppress the immune system and increase the risk for malignant melanoma.
'In laboratory and animal studies, the presence of increased levels of exogenous antioxidants has been shown to prevent the types of free radical damage that have been associated with cancer development.'
In addition, there are many NIH (National Institute of Health) studies that have shown that astaxanthin (the strongest naturally occurring antioxidant known) can stop and even cure cancer in dogs and monkeys. Leading us to believe that ValAsta / astaxanthin, if taken on a regular bases, would prevent these devastating cancers caused by free radical damage.